Trestle Board ~ March 10th, 2021 Stated Meeting

In an effort to modernize we will now be doing an electronic newsletter. We hope the content will be efficient and easy to read. If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to contribute please feel free to contact us at This content will go out to all members who have an email on file.
From the East:
Greetings!! We held a very productive meeting on March 10th!!
Thank you to the Brethren that stayed to practice for our Master Mason Degree on March 24th.
The Lodge has approved the purchase of electronic devices that will prove valuable to the running of the Lodge. These devices will be used by our brethren in the everyday running of the Lodge, video meetings and Masonic training.
I have also decided upon my pay it forward project this year *see below about our Lodge’s pay it forward program*. This year we’ve all been touched by the Covid pandemic, but no one more than those who have lost their jobs and are now facing financial hardships. I see this everyday with the cars lining up across the street from my place of work for the food bank distributions. I’ve decided that my pay it forward will be to donate to our local food bank and at the suggestion of WB Ray Fowler we will also donate to a local charity that addresses the needs of those who are homeless or don’t have a car to drive to the food bank. If you know of any member who is facing challenges during this pandemic please feel free to reach out to the lodge, at minimum we can connect you with resources that can help.
I am proud of our Lodge and the path that we all are on!
Things are opening up and soon we’ll be operating at a “business normal” mode. Please be attentive to our ever changing trestle board!!
Ronald E. Bittner Jr. Worshipful Master.
Trestle Board:
Thursday March 18th, 7pm 24th District Meeting – virtual zoom meeting. Please contact any officer for information on how to join. ***NOTE – if you want to join a meeting and are not comfortable with some of the latest technology – Our SW David Helscel can call you on the phone and you can listen and participate. Please contact him at least a day before the meeting to set up the details.
Wednesday March 24th 7PM Master Mason Degree – come watch the raising of our latest brother. This is obviously an in person meeting at the Lodge. We will be maintaining social distancing and wearing masks for the safety of all those who’ve not received the vaccine.
Wednesday April 14th 7pm Stated Meeting – Please note, we are discussing whether to start having pre-meeting meals again. So please watch for upcoming details. Part of what we miss is the brotherhood of sitting down and breaking bread with our friends.
Wednesday April 21st. 7pm 24th district meeting at OUR Lodge – We will be hosting our district meeting with a meal and brotherhood.
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Western Star’s Pay if Forward Program:
Also known as the Master’s Civic Project. Starting in 2017 as part of a revitalization project for our Lodge we decided we needed to increase our foot print in the community. Each Master chooses a program which speaks to his heart.
In 2017 WB R. Bruce Zimmer wanted to donate a bullet proof vest to the Boardman K9 unit. But in reaching out to the K9 team, they did not need vests, but suggested that they needed a new training suit for their dogs. We were happy to oblige. In thanks for our donation we did have a visitor. I’m not sure who checked his dues card, but the Tyler let him in so he must be up to date.

In 2018 WB Ronald E. Bittner Jr. reached out to the Mahoning County Hazardous Material Fire Team and donated a new digital radio which allows them to communicate to multiple communities during a response.
In 2019 WB David Helscel donated stuffed teddy bears and over 100 play packs to Children’s hospital in Boardman.

In 2020 WB Darrell Booher donated $5000 to the Boardman Schools for the purchase of digital equipment to help with remote teaching / learning.

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