Jason Sawman
Worshipful Master
Western Star Lodge has been serving the Youngstown area for over 200 years.
first meeting in Canfield in 1813. Our founding members were leaders of
the area and had names you would recognize like "Fitch, Boardman, and
Wadsworth". --We are proud of our Lodge and invite you to spend a few minutes with us
now and see what we have to offer you. These pages are updated regularly
to keep you informed of our upcoming events, so visit us often.
Our Lodge encourages interest from any worthy candidate. When you are
ready, you may download a Petition or contact the webmaster for more
information. For a current list of our lodge activities, please view our
- Scroll down to find detailed directions on signing up for Grand View
Stated Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the
Lane Anstrom Community Center Located at 8387 Tod Ave, Boardman, Ohio
44512. Meetings open at 7:00pm.
if you cannot see the calendar use this link to open it in a new page
(Click on the event for details)
Contact us by email

Or visit our facebook page:

Grand View member registration
Grand View gives you access to your account, allows you to communicate with the lodge, Pay your Dues electronically with a credit card (NOTE: You will need to sign up for paypal and there is a $2.55 fee charged by paypal) and check the status of your dues, change your address, phone number and your preference on how the lodge communicates with you
Here are the 6 steps to get yourself set up in Grandview:
- Click the Grand View Sign In button
these instructions also tell you where to pay your dues online
- select member registration in the upper right corner
- fill in the information on the registration page: when entering your member number do NOT enter the "M" or any leading "0" zeros - if it is M01234 you would only enter "1234". Be sure to enter your last name as it appears on your dues card
- click on the membership status button
- a second page will be displayed. Enter your e-mail address and a minimum 8 character password (remember your password, as only you know it)
- click on the 'Sign up' button
You are now registered and can update your personal information - if you have any difficulties please contact our WEBMASTER
Masonic ritual is designed around the
symbolic story of the building of a great, spiritual temple, as
represented by the Temple of Solomon. The three Masonic degrees are
designed to represent three stages of life: youth, manhood, and age.
These three
steps are based on the Journeyman System of Education used by the
medieval Lodges of stonemasons, which was divided into three levels: Apprentice, Journeyman
and Master
Masonry - What it is: |
- It is a voluntary association of men.
- It is a system of moral conduct.
- It is a way of life.
- It is a fraternal society.
- It is religious in its character.
- It seeks to make good men better.
- It uses rites and ceremonies to
instruct its members.
- It is based on a firm belief in the
Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man, and the Immortality of
the Soul.
Masonry - What it is not: |
- It does not solicit members. It does not matter how good a man you are, you will never be asked to become a Mason - you must take the initiative and ask to join.
- It is not an insurance or benefit society.
- It is neither a religion nor a creed, nor a
religious order.
- It is not a charity organization but makes
charity a duty.
- It is not organized for profit.
- It is not a secret society as it does not
conceal its existence or purposes.
Our Ceremonies: |
While not generally discussed in public, our ceremonies are used to
convey our tenets to our members. Candidates for initiation,
participating in these ceremonies learn solemn and serious truths
about what we stand for. Candidates can be assured that at no time
during the initiation process will a candidate be hurt, frightened
or embarrassed
What does it take for me to join? |
Any man who is 19 years of age or older and of good moral character,
who comes well-recommended, and who believes in a Supreme Being may
petition to
become a Freemason
How do I learn more? |
Talk to a friend who is a Mason, contact one of our officers, or
e-mail our
Webmaster. Each will be happy to talk about who we are and what
we do
Who Are Ohio Freemasons? |
Freemasonry is the leading fraternal organization in the world. Its origins are lost in the unrecorded history of medieval times, but it formally organized in London, England, in 1717. Current worldwide membership totals over 3 million members, 1.1 million of whom are in North America. With 75,000 Masons and 450 local Lodges, Ohio has one of the largest Masonic memberships of any state in the country.
1 / 5
TYLER HAWK. Grain Farmer. Brother. Musician. Freemason.
2 / 5
DEL BRAUND. Retired Deputy Sheriff. Bagpiper. World Traveler. Freemason.
3 / 5
CLIFFORD NICOL. Veteran. Software Development Specialist. Martial Artist. Freemason.
4 / 5
JESS RAINES. CFO. Eagle Scout. Sock and Bowtie Enthusiast. Freemason.
5 / 5
JASON FRENCH. Retirement Community Administrator. T-ball Coach. Indians Fan. Freemason.
As a fraternal organization, Freemasonry unites men of good character who, though of different religious, ethnic or social backgrounds, share a belief in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of mankind.

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